Brighton - Australia 布里斯班

This morning, after teaching, I came back to my office, I saw a note that the school Sheng -Kung's principal wanted to talk to me. I was so scared, at that time, I did not know what I did wrong in my teaching job. I was so nervous, I called the principal and she told me to go upstairs to see her. She saw me and she said, "I have a good news for you." She is going to send me to Australia, Brighton. When I got that news, I was so exciting and I was so happy, my heart was very very happy. We have 22 days to be in Australia and there's a lot of programs and studies for us to be there. We will visit the city, go to thier restaurants, visit koala zoo and more.
This year, the international study program will be three groups total. Two groups for Australia, one group is Brighton-Brisbane (布 里 斯 本) another group is Adelaide (阿得雷德.墨爾本) and the third group will go to Edinburgh, Britain (愛丁堡) and London (倫敦). In Brisbane, Australia, we will be at Nudgee International College. In Adelaide group, they will be at Charles Campbell Secondary Schoool and the England group will be at Basil Paterson Edinburgh.
I am hopping everything will be fine in my group. Also, I am hopping my team will come back to Taiwan very successful. I am hopping that stududents will understand what I said and followed my suggestions. There's no words to express my happiness for this trip. Unfortunately, I cannot bring Alan in this trip. Alan will cry and he will miss me, as well I will miss him too.
Here is the schedule of our trip to Australia and England.
Brighton - Bribane, Australia (布里斯本)
Edinburgh, Britain (愛丁堡) and London (倫敦)
Adelaide (阿得雷德.墨爾本)
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