The Last Supper at Sheng Kung Girl's High School

Tonight it is the night where Jesus will get together with his people for the last supper. Our school, Sheng Kung is also doing the last supper for students who live in doorms. It started at 5:20 PM, Alan and I arrived earlier 4:20PM to help them to set up the tables, cups, chopsticks, napkins and more. There were a lot of food such as corn, tomatoes, chicken legs, bread, vegetables, mantow, guava, grape juice, and tea. It is a very simple dinner where Jesus shared with his friends. There were 12 teachers and 12 sisters who participated in this activity.
There are total 12 tables. Each table has 2 teachers, one sister and 5 students. It is a lot of fun. We have to follow whatever the counseling supervisor is saying. This is the time where teachers and sisters from each table will get the food. The priest will bless the food first whish is vegetables. After blessing vegetables, we got to eat them. Again, the priest will bless the food. After that, we had to all the food on our plates. We had only 15 minutes to finish the food in our plates.
It is so fun to see how people eat so fast. The bread is too dry and I need to drink a lot of water. Also, Alan could finish the food in his plate. He is a good boy but he forget sometimes the tables manners.

The activity is over, I drove 40 minutes back home. I am so tired and exausted but I had a lot of fun.
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