Every single year, Alan is in the running race. He really likes to run, I do not know why.

Alan is talking to his friends and waitin his turn to run.

Girls first in his clas. You can see from this picture his entire class are here. Of course, some of them did not like to participate, so they won't participate. Girls are ready to run.

Now, will be Alan's turn. Alan is meditating here.

Alan is here ready to run.

He is going to be almost ready.

And run...

It is hard to see which place Alan got. For me he is always number one.

A lot of people in his class got second and the third place.

Alan is happy to got the second place, he wants the fisrt place, but not always will turn like that.

This is Alan's fifth grade teacher. She is kind of strick, but she still likes Alan. Alan always helpes her no matter what. This is the third medal that Alan got since thrid grade.
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