Instalation of AC
This morning at 10:00 A.M. people come to install air condition at my new house. We bought one machine with one AC. The AC in Alan's room is much bigger than my room. We comapred so many places, and this place the price is reasonable. This store is LG store which is located not too far from my school and it is closer to the public library.
Only two rooms has the AC now, (livingroom and the master's room). Other AC from other rooms, we have to wait until the decoration is finished, so we can put the machine up. They will come again on Dec. 1st to install Alan's room's AC and put the main machine for the livingroom.
In my house, we all use Fujitsu, it is a Japanese brand. Many people say this is the better one compared to other brands.
The best part of this company is that they install the AC beautifully. They put all their work into AC instalation. They hide the cables very well and other things too. So we could not even notice the cables on the wall. I like the instalation very much. They really did a great job.
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