Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary
Today, I woke up very early in the morning and at the same time, I am so excited because we are going to see and hug the koalas. It will be my first time to see koalas, I never see koalas in my entire life. It will be so exciting and fun to see that kind of animals.
Students had their classes in the morning until 12 P.M. We get together for lunch outside of school. After lunch we departures to the Koala Santuary. When I got there, I was so exited. It is an open area with a lots of trees and grass on it. I could see a lot of animals running around with freedom. Unlike Taiwan, animals have to be in the cage.
The Australian study tour teachers, Sally and Sylvia, gave us a bag of kangaroos' food to feed the kangaroos. I was so excited. The kangaroos live in an open area with a lots of trees and grasses, the open area has their pu-pu on the grass. It seems dirty but I do not have any choice.
It is the time to feed kangaroos, but I was so unlucky because the kangaroos were not hungry at that time. I took a lot of pictures with the animals. After leaving the kangaroos' home, we went to see and hug the koalas. But first we had to clean and wipe our shoes, otherwise we will have a really bad smell.
Koalas are more peaceful animals then the kangaroos. They eat and sleep all the time. kangaroos; on the other hand, they are running and jumping around. I could see a lot of koalas all the time. It was so nice to see how the koalas move or eat or sleep. They are always on the top of the tree.
A lot of people want to take pictures with koalas. They charge very expensive, each person, they charge like $20 to $45 Australian dollars. It is quiet a lot of money for me to spent and take pictures with koalas. I just spent $20 Australian dollars to be able to take a photo and hug the koalas at the same time.I hug koalas for the first time. The koala that I got is so big and heavy. My arms almost broken, but I really enjoy spending the time with them. After taking and hug koalas, we had to wait for the pictures. They say 10 minutes will be ready, but it took more than 10 minutes. My students' picture did not come out, so we had to wait for a long time. The printer was very very slow and a lot of people were waiting over there.
I cannot wait to show or tell Alan that I hug the koalas. He will be jealous of me. He really want to hug koalas, too. Also, we saw Emu, and another kind of birds over there. After waiting for koala's picture, it was the time to get together to go back to Nudgee. The time that we spent over there was too short. I just saw three to four kinds of animals. It is so sad but at the same time, I enjoyed hugging koalas.
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