
This morning, I got an e-mail from David. He send me nice pcitures of Hua-Lien (花蓮). After looking at them, I really want to go to Hua-Lien. We are so busy, We do not go anywhere and do things as family. I wish I could have more family pictures. When I was younger, I did not take a lot of pictures, now, I regret. I wich I could be young forever and have as same beauty as before, but that is impossible. Now, I wish I could take as much pictures as possible and go places that I haven't been.
花蓮瑞穗新開的溫泉渡假村 在國家公園內ㄠ
國內首座結合原始森林、處女溫泉、Villa別墅 的複合式頂級的休閒渡假園區 屆時非但可以在自然的森林中享受芬多精森林浴的洗禮,更可以體會全國最原始的碳酸氫鈉溫泉泡湯樂趣以及高級渡假Villa的尊貴住宿享受。對於喜愛親近大自然的遊客而言,將是一大福音。相信勢必在台灣、花東的旅遊業界中,掀起一陣不小的旋風。
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