Friday, June 27, 2008

One More Day Left for Ireland

I cannot even believe that tomorrow will be my trip to Ireland. It will be a long flight. Four study tours are going to leave tomorrow. We are going to take the same airplane from Taiwan to Hong Kong. From HK, two study groups will take European flight and the another two groups will take Australian flight.

Peggy, my coworker and I are taking the same plane. They are going to get out in London, and my group will continue our destination to Ireland. It seems very long, and I am hopping that I can sleep and so does my students.

This year's study tour is guided by a single teacher. Each teacher has our own responsibility to take care of our group. I am very excited about it.

At least on the plane, I can chat with Peggy and the sister from the school, so I won't feel lonely. I am hopping that Ireland study tour will be very productive for myself and my students. My principal gave me a lot of work to do during this trip. I have to do it well and right.

I have everything ready for the tour. I need to pack tonight.