Friday, December 08, 2006

Shen-Kung's Teacher's Performance

After weeks and weeks of practicing withot afternoon nap, finally today is a big day. Teachers and of Shen-Kung Girl's High School were performing a musical sign language entitled (老鼠愛大米). It is a very popular chinese song that everyone like it.

At the begining, we were so nervous to settle down on the stage, but after a while without looking at everyone's face, we did okay in our performance. Even though sometimes, I forgot what I had to do.I was really nervous at that day.

We supposed to perform the second last, but it turned out the second first program. I di dnot know, othewise I should prepare better before I got on the stage. All the three departments deans were there like the Dean of student's Affairs Office, The junior High School's Dean, the Dean of the Library and teacher on the third floor.

Evey students, school authorities, and other teacher enjoyed the show. Our hard work is paid off and I am glad that everyone enjoyed the show. I just know we were so cute at that day. I really enjoyed going up to the stage.