Saturday, November 18, 2006

Australian Grandson

After many years of waiting to be grandparents, Steve and Barbara, my Australian Homestay parents finally have their first grandson. I am so happy for them. Also I am glad that Barbara, my Australian Homestay mother is recovering from her surgery. Here are the photos of the new born baby.

In the following Steve said:

Hi, just a short note to let you know that we are now proud grandperents of a baby boy Bailey James Rye and he is now home with Adam & Kate. They are doing well and settling in, Barb & I visited them yesterday and we both had a very long nurse of him, I (Steve) could not take the smile of my face it was so great to hold our grandson. I do beleive he will spoilt rotten for a while.
Barb also had a nurse and changed his nappy ,she also had the same smile on her face. Barb is still slowly recovering from her operation and is getting better quickly now that the infection has cleaned up.

Love Steve