Sunday, August 06, 2006

Alan is 7 Now

Today is Alan's birthday. Last night, my baby told me that tomorrow which is today, he will be the king because of his birthday. The day before I went to buy him a panda cake for his birthday. I went far away from home to get it. It cost me a lot of effort to get it. He wanted the fish one but the bakery store did not have anything about fish, so panda is ok too.

At noon, we went to Mc Donald's. Alan had his entire meal number one. After eating lunsh, we went to buy him a present. He choose Chen-Lin to paly with it. At first he regreted because he could not play with it and after he knoew how to play it, he was very happy.

In the evening, Alan suggested that he wanted to go out to eat. We went to eat spicy hot pot. Alan said it is really spicy. He just eat non-spicy one. He really enjoyed cooking and putting things inside of the pot.

In the evening, he and his dad watched TV until late in the evening. this is the time when he was awake until 12:30 A.M. I am so happy that Alan had a great time. He really had fun during his birthday time. This is unforgotable day for Aaln.