Beach, Australia

After the christening celebration, we went to eat and had a light and healthy lunch. After lunch, we went to the beach and see the sunset. Unfortunately, the homestay father need to sleep more before his night work. If he did not get enough of sleep before work, his job can be very dangerous. So we all decided to tell Stephe that he needs to sleep before his work.
The homestay family brought us to the beach and we had one scoop of ice cream. The ice cream is a big scoop. I had enough of ice cream before I went to play at the beach. It is so cool, and nice and comfortable to be there. The beach is so peaceful, my whole body is so relaxed. I did not worry about anything else when I was there. It was a nice vacation at Brisbane. I am glad that I am in a nice homestay. My homestay father always says I am in at five stars homestay.
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